The Work of Dreamers

I am amidst the days where I realize the work it takes to birth a dream. Perhaps I believed that dreams were meant to be easy to obtain because I viewed my dreams as well… dreams. Webster defines “dream” as “to consider as a possibility.” The reality is this: dreams will remain dreams unless we start the work. Flashback to last weekend and I remember my three year old niece pointing out the window, asking “we planted seeds out there??” I smiled and nodded my head. With her question I am reminded we reap what we sow. Harvesting and planting are quite the dynamic duo, but planting needs to happen first. And to plant means to do the tough, holy work of planting. Even if there is failure in the harvest, at least you can say you did the work. At least you can say “Yes I showed up when I didn’t want to. Yes I put in the hard, holy work.”

I was straight out of college and resistant to routine when I began my first, 9-5 Monday –Friday job. I closed my eyes and stubbornly determined to not seek beauty in the mundane. “This is not my dream,” I thought, “I can’t find any good in this.”

Almost one year later and I am grateful to the 9-5. The 9-5 has taught me to keep showing up and do the work day after day regardless of how I’m feeling. A slow life of waking, drinking tea and reading while the sun rises, putting in a full workday, washing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading more, sharing stories and laughing with friends, sleeping, repeat – that pattern may sound dull but the routine truly does contain beauty if we have our eyes open to see.

May our hands meet the daily work, may our eyes search for the beauty and may our hearts hope for the harvest that will reap our dreams.

Written by, Jennie Kerns

Jennie Kerns

Jennie Kerns is an Ohio writer, creative and librarian. She is a quiet and gentle kind of fierce loving her people big and pursuing her dreams day by day. Her favourite things are sunsets, sunrises, slow days with her family, laughter with her best friends, sleeping in and searching for the light and beauty.


Connect with Jennie: 

Blog: Twitter: @jenniekerns IG: @jennielkerns

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