The Truth about Life and Dreams

The Truth about the life you want, is you gotta go through the bad in order to get to the good!

We know this, and because of fear or laziness, we give up or don’t even try! We know it takes hard work. We know there’s gonna be trials. We know we’re gonna make huge mistakes. We know we will cry a lot. We know a million people will say “no” or “you can’t”. We know we will have to commit to extremes. People will either think I’m out of my mind or that I’am a genius. Risk is involved. Haters will show up. Danger will present itself. It’s guaranteed!

We know this and because we know this, we’re given choices. We can go all in or we can quit.

Here are my truths things I’ve learned about going after my Life and Dreams. Truths from my own experiences and experiences of those I’ve watched.

Don’t allow fear or laziness to guide your life because if you do, you will never be truly satisfied and never truly be who you were meant to be.

ALL IN is the key. Take it and all its hardships and realize what’s beyond the struggle of the journey is a lifetime full of True bliss and Unity with God the way He intended!

People that make it don’t look at the problems, don’t look at the thorns, and don’t allow them to effect them. They keep going. Knowing if they stop they will never make it! They don’t rush as fast as they can cause that will just guarantee more pain. They move at steady speed to be able to analyze, reflect and still keep moving.

Imagine yourself in an open field. On the other end of the field is everything you can possibly want but in order to get there you have to go through a massive dark jungle! In the jungle are deadly animals, rushing rivers loaded with poisonous snakes and thorn bushes that will kill you only when you stop moving and allow it.

The other side is the antidote and everything you dream.

Your decision is to either go or not. This is the question everyone has to answer! Am I willing to go through a tremendous amount of pain in order to be where I’m meant to be? Can I really do it? Am I strong enough to fight with wounds full of poison! Will I keep going despite of the wounds or will I stop and allow them to decide my fate. Will I run from the threat or face them and keep moving.

It’s worth it! Go in confidence and bravery! Go in faith the way God intended. Without faith it is impossible to please God and accomplish your dreams. Playing it safe is possibly the most dangerous thing you can do in life!

It doesn’t matter how long it takes. You will get there as long as you MOVE and keep going. Realize that everything you want is there waiting for you to make it through and to cheer you on when you do!

Don’t stop despite pain, or obstacle! Choose to keep moving. Choose your dream.

Steven Drinkard


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