Glorifying God with Your Talents

When it comes to talent, there’s just a few things we could choose to do with it: throw it away, or use it for ourselves. But how often do we choose to solely glorify God with our talents? In fact, He is the one who gave them to us. I have always struggled with this … Read more

We all Matter

I’m certain we will all be flipping through images of, quotes from & for some memories of MLK today. One single thing I really respect from this guy as many others, is that he saw a demand for change, had a gift to get people together & chose to make out something from it. One … Read more

Finding personal liberation and contentment

To be honest, I didn’t know that I was seeking personal liberation until I stumbled upon it. I grew up in life with one large goal in mind: become successful and start a family. In order to achieve this, I needed to get a strong education in a field that pays well, get good grades, … Read more

Letting Inspiration Fuel Your Life

If someone had told me five years ago I’m doing what I do now, I’d have thought they were talking to the wrong person. These days I run a publicity and digital marketing consultancy which specializes in films. Since 2014 we’ve assisted with over 25 projects from all over the globe and at various stages … Read more

The Truth about Life and Dreams

The Truth about the life you want, is you gotta go through the bad in order to get to the good! We know this, and because of fear or laziness, we give up or don’t even try! We know it takes hard work. We know there’s gonna be trials. We know we’re gonna make huge mistakes. … Read more