Love Yourself

“When God made you, made you perfect and beautiful. For God, there is no exist two. For God, there is only one and made you beautiful. So you must not distrust yourself ever. He made you perfect.” – anonymous

I’ve spoken about my issues before except one thing that I never talk about it. I had insecurities about my body and beauty for so long. I received cons and pros comments from people. Cons: “you never eat” “you need to gain weight” “stop working out so much” “are you a bulimic?” “if you gain a little fat, you’ll look more beautiful.” Pros: “you’re beautiful” “you look like a model” “you look fine” “you’re like a barbie.” You name it. I rolled my eyes at them because I was uncertain which to take their words. However, it affected me. I questioned my appearance and struggled to accept the whole of me. I compared  other girls’ body to mine. I’ve wondered why can’t my body be like theirs?

There were many things through my insecurities but the most struggle I had was the size. When I shop, I cannot find anything that fits me. I had to use the belt to hold it. Sometimes some peeps asked for my size and I responded, their reactions were “OH you are so small!” in a scary way. At times like those reactions, I didn’t know how to deal with it.  The satisfaction was never complete.

I decided to tell my close friend’s about my self-doubt that I battled every day. My friend’s mouth came out of -not its own words but God’s words- from the same quote above, “When God made you, made you perfect and beautiful. For God, there is no exist of two. For God, there is only One and made you beautiful. So you must not distrust yourself, ever. He made you perfect.” That opened my eyes. I remembered that moment when I looked in the mirror, something whispered- “Now, do you see yourself?”

Unbelievable. I was ashamed that I forgot who created my body– God. In His eyes, I’m perfect and beautiful. He wanted one thing from me was to take his creation of me– love yourself (Matthew 22:39). I started to embrace myself, even it’s difficult. At least, it will be worthwhile. I’ve used to worry about my insecurities until now, I don’t have to anymore. This path was new: being happy with the kind of body God chose.

Before God, I stand for He created me, not you.

God taught me to love myself but He also taught me something else: “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). It’s a straightforward that it’s not only just loving myself but taking care of myself, too. After a long battle, Jesus showed me of me which I never saw myself. Sometimes I saw me in the mirror but not enough to notice me. Thank you, Jesus, because of you, I felt like a robust about myself that I didn’t before.

My dear friends- don’t forget who created you. Love yourself and take care of your temple! Don’t let anyone tell you or make you feel unwanted. The only one who loves you more than anyone- God the father and God the Son, Jesus.

Three things will last forever: Faith, Hope & Love. The greatest of these is love. Love your neighborhood as yourself.
1 Corinthians 13:13 & Matthew 22:39


This is Daniela. I’m deaf + multilingual. Jesus, family, friends & my dog are my life. I read books and I do blogs. On good or bad days, hot chocolate (& chocolate candy) is a must. My motto:  Love, have a laugh, be happy, be in a peace and smile all the way. Favorite verse: 1 Corinthians 16:13.
