The Conversation with Chepe Jose

Who is Chepe Jose?

Chepe Jose is a 30-year-old Latino American born in CT and raised in Orlando where I currently abide. I am passionate about people, creative expression, justice, and Jesus!

Choose an Ice Cream Flavour that best describes your personality and why?

Hmmm! This is tricky! I like everything chocolate so I would say chocolate with color sprinkles because I like to see diversity in all things.


What does everyday life look like for you?

Well, my days have been quite adventurous lately. I start my day with Bustello & some meditation. I prepare my heart for God Whispers throughout my day. I am a manager/ social media ambassador in one of Sunglass Huts highest volume stores at Disney Springs. Daily I engage with people from all over the world and I love that! I’m newly engaged, so throughout my days I receive photos of a beautiful venue my fiancé wants us to be married at. I have a rich community of friends and daily we share funny videos, inspiring / funny quotes & dreams. I also find myself looking for visual inspiration to feed my passion for photography. My days are full & fun to say the least.


How did you become a Photographer & A Social Media Ambassador for The Sunglass Hut?

My leadership requested I apply for the position when it opened up in my company. It was a pilot and started as 15 of us across Sunglass Hut footprint. Currently, we are 25 people from different parts of the United States. I have been into photography since early on. I was the kid always behind my parent’s video camera and the kid who was always in charge of taking photos for the family events. This year I decided to purchase a camera where I can do what I loved and make it profitable since many started to inquire my services through my social media work.

What’s your favourite part about being a Social Media Ambassador for Sunglass hut?

I love the challenge of posting and being creative. I enjoy meeting people and connecting with them through social media. Being the go to for those in my community who want sunglasses has been particularly rewarding. I love what I do!


Do you have dreams that you still want to achieve and what are they?

Yes! Of course, I dream of marrying my fiancé, traveling to Cuba, creating my own family and being a dad, I dream of being a full-time photographer being my own boss & mentoring others and being a part of their creative process.



What does being light look like for you in your industry?

Being a leader in the workplace is so different than being a leader in the church. I am new to leadership in the work realm and I have found that although the structure of the environment I am in is different my motivation is the same. I’m motivated by love. Love of people! Of all people. My associates are a mix of Muslim, homosexual, atheists, agnostic, Christian, black, Asian, white, Latino and I love them all the same. Being light for me in my industry looks like loving people no matter what!

Any advice you have for other dreams who are chasing their dreams?

My advice is to keep dreaming! Make your dream known! Talk about it to your family, friends & mentors! Write it down and make it plane. Create a vision board, set a time frame. Make sure everything you do is birth from the place of heading towards that dream.


Where can people connect with you?

Facebook, Instagram, snap chat all under same name ChepeJose .