What Ministry are You Called To?

That’s a question so many Christians are asking themselves today. What is their ministry now that they’ve been saved? Well, I have two answers and they’re actually pretty straightforward and can be found in the bible. You have the ministry of reconciliation and that ministry should be shared with everyone. Period.

You see, it’s not all about holding a ministry position like many Christians believe. I hear a lot of people say that evangelism is only for pastors and people who work for the church. May I say that way of thinking could be the reason the world is in the state it’s in right now?

If you look at Ephesians 4:11, it discusses the fivefold ministry that God created for the church. It touches on pastors, teachers, prophets, apostles and evangelists. But, the very next verse states that it is for the equipping of the saints (those who are saved) to do the work of the ministry. So, the church is just not a place you go every week to hear a good message, sing some songs and then go back to living however you want. But, that’s an article for another day.

The church is meant to train you to live like Jesus did, understand God’s love for you and walk in his righteousness. There is a lot more but those are three good points and a good place to start. Additionally, if you learn and live out 2 Corinthians 5:18, you will understand that God has already reconciled the world to himself. All we have to do is tell people we interact with they are reconciled to God, he’s not counting their sins against them and they don’t have to do anything to deserve or receive that.

When people first become a Christian, they think they can’t contribute to the kingdom because they don’t know the Bible and the Christian lingo. They’re wrong. If you tell people that Jesus loves them, died for them and they’ve been reconciled to God, that’s enough. You plant a seed. Let God bring the increase like he said he would.

The best part of that is, you don’t have to work for the church to be part of the ministry. As soon as you accept Jesus, you’re in. Then just share it wherever you are just like Jesus commanded us in Matthew 28 to preach the gospel to the nations. If you’re a dentist, share it at the dentist office. If you work in the hospital, share it with the patients. If you’re a mechanic, tell the customers you interact with. They need it. They really need it.

If you sit back and let people who work for the church only share about Jesus, then not only have you missed the point, but you may have missed the only chance to share the gospel with certain people that you’ll only interact with. Just think, if we had Christians in every walk of life and every job sharing about the reconciliation God has for everyone, people would be able to experience the love of Jesus everywhere and we’d be able to shape the world because we stood out as Christians.

So, now that you know the ministry you’re about of and what you should do with it…. what is your next move?


My name is Jason Davis. I’m 27 and I’m a Christian blogger. Studying to become a pastor. I’m a website designer in my free time.

Connect with Jason:
Website: http://www.jasonmdavis.org
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