True Identity

Identity an impossible word for me to describe. It’s something I’ve struggled with my entire life. I’ve found my identity in food, working out, alcohol, drugs, and sex. My identity is not these things. I found my identity in these things after I was raped and was in a crippling depression for 2 years. My identity became getting drunk every single weekend, finding a random guy at the bar to make out with and take home, finding a random guy on tinder to goon up with, sexting with guys, finding my identity in them. After two years of struggling with depression and this I decided to seek professional help. Which was one of the best decisions I ever made. I found healing and help.

But this is what my identity is in now. My identity comes from not being a victim, it comes from being a survivor, being an advocate and also my identity comes from a God who loves me. A God who I thought hated me because of all the sins I have done, yet He finds me clean and says my child I love you.

So my identity is no longer in men, alcohol, drugs, food, my depression are anything else. My identity is in a loving God who says that loves me know matter what. So my beautiful ladies if you are struggling I want to say go get help, counseling is amazing and healing happens.

So I will leave it at this. Your identity is in a loving God who says that we were fearfully and wonderfully made. That no mistake was made. So don’t try and change who you are. You are perfect!

Written by, Lauren Terveen

 Lauren is passionate about Jesus Christ. She loves coffee, talking about life, wine and loves    her cat. She has 3 nieces and a nephew who she loves so much.

Connect with Lauren on Social Media:


Instagram: @Laureterveen

Twitter: @laurenterveen