Change Everything

Welcome to the first blog post at Kingdom Spark. It’s been a while coming. A few years at least.

I don’t know why we do some things and not another, do the easy things and leave the hard things. Are we avoiding pain? Avoiding success? Avoiding the unknown? Scared to do what really matters?

I’m sure all of these things. And maybe none of them.

Those are some of the questions I’ve asked myself as to why I haven’t started this endeavour long ago. Especially since I, and so many of the team helping, have talked and dreamed about this for some time.

So here we go…


Change Everything!

A few years ago I started a personal journey into who I was and what I was made to do.

I read somewhere that at the end of our lives people will only remember you for one thing, and much like twitter, your gravestone can only contain so many characters to define your life.  So I began to ask myself, others around me, and the Father what was that one thing?  What would my gravestone say about me?

After a few months of searching, mostly within, I came to realize that my life was about change. It was about bringing a real change into the lives of those I touched, intersected with. I, like so many of you, want to change the world. Change it for the good. Change it for the Kingdom.

So out of the exercise I came up with that one thing.  That one thing that I would want to see on my gravestone.  The one phrase that described what I most wanted to do with my life. “Change Everything“.


The problem with wanting to change everything.

The reality of wanting to change everything is that you can’t. Nope… It’s not gonna happen!

Especially when there are other people involved.

No matter how much you want to change or you want someone else to change, you have to really want it. They have to want it. I have to want it. And man… change sucks and it’s hard. That lesson, for whatever reason, has taken a long time for me to learn.

Maybe being a parent has helped that process. Kids really don’t like being told what to do or how to do it. Why would they? They’re people too… just wee little ones.

I think more than anything in life, change is one of the hardest things as humans we can do.  We like our life as it is.  We like to keep things going as they are.  We don’t like change.  We don’t like to rock the boat.

We like which side of the bed we sleep on.  How we make our coffee in the morning (I prefer a single origin roast made with my pour over).  Where we shop.  Who we hang out with.  Which food we eat.  What we believe.

We don’t like change.  It’s challenging and it challenges everything in us.  Even the littlest things do.


So how do we change everything?

Do I want to change the world? Sure. But is that realistic? No.

I believe it starts with me.

Change starts within.  Within me.  Within you.  It starts with making a choice and taking massive action.  It also starts with a dream (we’ll get into that a lot more as time goes on).

I also believe that together, a group of individuals who know who they are and do what they are meant to do will change the world!  We can’t do it alone.


This is why Kingdom Spark exists.

It exists to encourage, demonstrate, empower, teach, train and provide all kinds of tools to help bring about the change in our lives and the people we touch.  To spark change in the world around us.


If you identify with anything I’ve said, then you’re in the right place.


Welcome to the journey.  We are here to help.



ps.  Did you see our first project? #KS100?  Jump over to the Projects page and see what it’s all about.

2 thoughts on “Change Everything”

  1. I remember having this conversation with you many years ago. Your heart was to help people discover and fulfill their dreams!! Well done Jason

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