Take A Risk

I’m sitting here at my desk and thinking about all the crazy risk I have taken over the last few years. I’m now a 26 year old who is on a journey to where she wants to be. It hasn’t been an easy road, but it’s been worth it.

I’m getting closer and closer, because I have taken risk along the way. I followed my heart along the way. If I didn’t take the risk of going after my dreams, I would probably be living a life that I wasn’t so happy about.

My life has sure been a journey of ups and downs let me tell you, which I’m sure you could relate too. I have always been a girl to go after my passions and dreams. But I really started to take risk after High School when I decided to up and move to Vancouver to pursue Modelling.

Well that only lasted one year. I started to not enjoy it and apparently I wasn’t skinny enough. After things didn’t work out, I honestly felt like a failure. At that moment I thought to myself, “I shouldn’t have risked moving to Vancouver to try this Modelling Career out”. Shortly after that experience, I knew I was destined for something else.

I won’t bore you with my long story, but since than there were times I worked at jobs I didn’t enjoy. Times of feeling like a failure again or feeling lost. Times of not knowing what I wanted to do with my life, because my dreams keep changing, or times of “this is so dang hard that I almost want to give up”.

My dream changed throughout the years, but I always followed my heart. I took risk along the way, even if I didn’t know what the outcome would look like.

What I learned from all my experiences that has led me to where I’am now is, I learned a heck of a lot about myself first of all. I also learned that if I didn’t take any of that risk along the way I wouldn’t have experienced all the amazing things. Maybe I wouldn’t be friends with some of the friends I have now. I learned to follow my heart even if the dream slightly changed a long the way.

Now I know what my dream is and that’s to empower people’s lives to walk into the fullness that they were created to walk in. To know who they truly are and own that fire. How I will do that is through many different ways. I know that I will do a variety of projects through media and entertainment. Such as partnering with Kingdom Spark to empower people’s dreams and idea’s. I also know I will make movies soon that will impact the lives of many. There will always be some new project, but it always will come down too empowering and making a difference in people’s lives.

So I will leave you with this. Take a risk towards your dreams rather than watching everyone else run towards theirs. Follow your heart through your journey. Your dream might change throughout the years like mine did, but get down to your why. Dip deep and run after those passions.< I hope to get you know you all more. Feel free to connect with me on Social Media.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/brittneyandreesentv
Twitter: @BrittAndreesen

Drop me a comment and let me know when was the last time you took a risk.

2 thoughts on “Take A Risk”

  1. Thanks so much for sharing a piece of your journey. I too have learned about risk over the past year. It has been terrifying, uncomfortable, surreal but also exhilarating and empowering. To finally know my heart is going in the direction it always longed for. To be pursuing my dreams, goals and desires with the passion I have always felt.

    🙂 Keep moving forward,

    • Thank you for the encouragement.

      I just saw this comment now.

      That’s awesome you’re following your heart as well. Sometimes it can be a tough one but in the end it will be worth it.

      Looking forward to seeing what’s next for you.

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