It’s Okay to Not Have a Story

People on Instagram say it. Your mentor says it. The author says it. You say it.

We are all supposed to tell our story.
The one of heartbreak. The one filled with adventure. The one that reveals something amazing. The story that is life changing. The one that makes someone cry. The one that brings joy.

But what if you don’t feel like you have a story?

What if your life feels like one pretty good thing after another with no tragic story or revelation that makes people want to hear your story?

I recently listened to Branden Harvey’s new podcast- Something Good ( podcast/sounds-good-branden-harvey). His guest this week was the amazing Taylor Tippett (hyperlink-

This girl. Woah.

Talk about a story. I’m not going to tell it to you- because you should listen to it and read her blog.

But Taylor and Branden talk about how amazing stories are when there is a low that leads in explicable joy.

But I’ve realized, that I’ve never truly experienced a lowest low.

And sure, I am only 21. I have A LOT of life to go. But I have this innate desire to connect with people, and it is hard when I don’t have a lot of life to go off of.

Because my life has been pretty great:

I grew up in a small, Christian school surrounded by amazing people who truly cared for me and my wellbeing.
I travelled to far away places.
I did get broken up with in high school, but who didn’t?
I went to an amazing college and graduated early.
I am marrying my favorite person.
I am moving to an amazing big city full of adventure.

And because I haven’t been through anything that is so trying, so difficult, so life changing…I am just waiting for it to happen.

I am waiting for someone to die. I am waiting to get sick. I am waiting for God to shake me. I am waiting to go through a dark time. I am waiting for pain.

But I really should say, “I was waiting.”

I’ve come to realize in the past couple of months that even thought my story doesn’t contain epic battles with God, or suffering, or pain, or trials- my story is just that- MY story.

The blessings, the small battles, the tales of missions trips & service, falling in love, planning a wedding, moving away. These are and will forever be a part of me.

I want to encourage those that don’t have a story. Or don’t feel like you have a story.

You do.
You have a life filled with events.
Filled with trials- whether internal or external.
Stocked full of joy and happiness and
People that have let you down and people that have lifted you up.
You have something.
You have a song that needs to be sung and purpose that needs to be told.
Whether it is to others or to yourself.
You need to know that.
And not just realize it, but know it-
write it down, memorize it, analyze it, live it, be it.
Embrace those nooks of your life that you don’t yet realize
those hold magic & power to not only change your life
but others as well.

Lauren_CampbellI am a soon-to- be wife of my favourite person & about to embark on a new adventure to Nashville! I am a college grad with a degree in public relations with dreams of owning my own business someday. I love to craft, encourage others & read as many books as possible. Connect with Lauren on Social Media:  @Instagram   @Twitter