Faith Stretched

All my plans have been cancelled recently. A long inconsistent romantic relationship has ended, I won’t be going to England for a month as planned and I was recently dismissed from my third job in a row. Years ago I might have been broken, upset, kicking and screaming and crying out to God, “WHY ME?!.” Now I am in this place of peace, filled with exciting rest with the knowingness that God has a greater plan for me.

In the past week, when I “should” have been in England I’ve been digging deep into God’s word, going to church more and just seeking His presence. One of the local churches I attend has been teaching about Hearing and Healing. Last week I was taught that God speaks to us on the map of our imaginations, and we can discern His voice by holding it accountable to His written word. I’ve never had the Spirit suddenly be so alive before and I’m living on the edge of my seat trying to hear what God is downloading to my mind next.

I am kind of a baby Christian. I was baptized at the age of 12 and walked away as a teenager and didn’t comprehend God (I still can’t fathom His great love) as this loving Creator but was under religious teachings and was motivated by fear that I was going to punished, never good enough and lived with tons of shame and guilt. Now I am 28 and as I’m finally connected to a community formed by love, my perception has shifted and I am in utter amazement of His grace, peace and omnipresent love He offers at all times through Jesus.

As a “baby” Christian and someone pretty new to this community, I didn’t realize that I was free to be bold in my faith. I believed it took years and that you had to be able to fire out scripture to be able to share the truth. I have only discovered recently that doubt, shame and fear to show my faith and share the gospel don’t come from God. I am learning to prophesy over people, (yes I’m making mistakes but I’m willing and miraculously getting a lot of things right!) to worship in the street and have been witnessing people be healed. All through the moving of the Holy Spirit. This has all happened in only the last week!

Sometimes God will cancel our plans so that His plan can be carried out! If you are in a place where you have no idea what’s coming next, let your faith in Him be stretched and rest in His promises. He will never leave you or abandon you. This is a good time to be grateful that God’s plan is greater than yours. Persevere, stay active, write up a new dream and always ask Him and seek the Lord first in all you do. Even if you don’t believe in a greater power – take a chance, I dare you! Grab a bible and put philosophy and scepticism down for a week and see what happens. He says draw near to me and I will draw near to you. It’s a life long relationship that will never leave you empty but will mend and give life into all the places in you that need to be loved.



Hillary Ross currently lives in Kelowna and is an artist, writer/poet and singer-songwriter for Syren + The Waves. She loves Jesus, people, travelling, chocolate, coffee, riding her bike, summer and deep conversation.

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IG : hillarylovesart