True Identity

Identity an impossible word for me to describe. It’s something I’ve struggled with my entire life. I’ve found my identity in food, working out, alcohol, drugs, and sex. My identity is not these things. I found my identity in these things after I was raped and was in a crippling depression for 2 years. My … Read more

The Season Of Waiting

This season in my life now almost being single has had its ups and down for sure. There’s the little things that make you realize that God has everything in control and he’s looking out for your heart. Those bible verses that speak to your heart. Those friends who speak the truth in love. There … Read more

Your Why Matters

Your Why Matters I had the opportunity to relearn an valuable lesson in the real world, sometimes what is clear to us is not always clear to the people we are trying to reach. I recently published an e-book titled, “How I won, my battle against a disease with no cure.” It is a really … Read more

Take A Risk

I’m sitting here at my desk and thinking about all the crazy risk I have taken over the last few years. I’m now a 26 year old who is on a journey to where she wants to be. It hasn’t been an easy road, but it’s been worth it. I’m getting closer and closer, because … Read more

Change Everything

Welcome to the first blog post at Kingdom Spark. It’s been a while coming. A few years at least. I don’t know why we do some things and not another, do the easy things and leave the hard things. Are we avoiding pain? Avoiding success? Avoiding the unknown? Scared to do what really matters? I’m … Read more