#KS100 – Website Package

So you’re wondering what you get with your PWYW Web site? Below is a list of everything included. No matter what you pay, you will get all of these items included in your web site.

  • Premium Theme from Studio Press
  • WordPress installed and set up on hosting
  • Theme Set Up and Installation
  • Home page set up
  • Up to 5 pages implementation into web site.
  • A site designed to your style.
  • Stock photos
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Our Plugin Suite
    • SEO
    • Security
    • Forms
    • Genesis Plugins (to help run the site)
    • Facebook & Twitter Widgets
    • Social Sharing

We will also include some email Marketing Software and other social sharing plugins for you and show you how to use them.

We will work with you to get your site looking like you want it. There is a limited number of changes we will do. Don’t be discouraged by this, but we have to make sure we can get all the sites done in a reasonable amount of time.

When you fill out the Web Site Details form, please be as detailed as possible.

The cost of a site like this would be in the range of $1200-1500.

Here are some example of sites that we’ve done that are examples of what you could get.



