Endless Pursuit

Endless Pursuit is a collective of young worship leaders from around the Austin, Texas area formed around musicians Luke Hall and Zach Morris, the founders of the project. The project began in 2012 under a different name (one so terrible it will not be named) and a different genre.

Endless Pursuit has only recently hit a chain of successes. After airing their currently unreleased single on national radio on KLTY’s New Music Café, they then led a worship night that got them the funds to record the next song. Now, if any experienced musicians are reading this, this must sound really insignificant to them, but, to endless pursuit, it’s huge.

Endless Pursuit

We want to get to know you better… What would your mothers say about you as a band?

Zach says… I think my mom would emphasize that we’re a band that’s goal is to make much of Jesus. I think that’s what makes her most excited about the band, the songs we write, and the music we play. 

Luke says… She’d say she was proud.

How would you describe each of your personalities in 6 words or less?

Luke says... Me, different each day. Zach, interesting. Zeke, chill.

Zach says… Luke, Weird, quiet, talented, Jesus-loving, somehow funny. Zeke, The cool kid, Christ follower, bassist. Myself: Christ follower, reader, weirder than Luke.

How did you guys come together as a band?

Zach says… Basically, I ended up meeting Luke after a church service at Celebration Church in Austin, Texas and I saw that he was a good guitarist. So we briefly talked. We later crossed paths at small group at his house where I bugged him enough about starting a band that he finally gave in. Luke had already known Zeke for a while before we started the band and about two years after we started it, Zeke covered bass for us at a small youth conference we led at and later on played bass on our first single, Renew. After that he just kind of became our bassist by consistently being there whenever we needed him.

Luke says… To be honest, I didn’t want to be in a band, but Zach made me. I then figured out that there’s no getting rid of him, so I just joined the band haha! Then later we needed a bass player for a conference, so that’s how Zeke slowly became a part of the band.

Endless Pursuit

What advice do you have for people who want to form their own band?

Zach says… My advice to anyone starting a band is to plan long-term. I know it’s tempting to expect huge results out of your band when you first start it, but it’s just not realistic. I know Luke and I both (myself mainly talking while Luke sat there and nodded occasionally) talked up a storm about playing big concerts and recording full albums and stuff when we first started. But the bottom line is: for the average person, you’ve probably got a long way to go musically before you and your band should even consider recording a song, let alone an album. Secondly, making music, recording it, and playing it live is expensive. So, it’s not all going to happen overnight. Just focus on the quality of what you and your band does and build strong relationships with all your bandmates. I think that’s the best way to go about laying a foundation for success. But, I’m by no means an industry expert, we kind of just started getting a following, so this is the advice of someone fairly new to the music industry. 

Luke says… Music has the power to change lives in a positive or negative way. Make sure whatever music you create will have a positive impact and/or help people. Sure you can make music in-between or the opposite, but people get connected to songs they can relate to them or help them cope with certain situations.

What inspired your song “renew” ? Tell us more about that song.

Zach says… I actually went to a retreat called Renew with my home church, Hutto Bible Church and saw how many people were greatly affected by that weekend’s focus on renewal. So when I got home, I decided I wanted to write a song for the church that would encapsulate those moments where real change was happening. I think a retreat like that can cause a lot of emotions and then be completely forgotten in a matter of weeks, so I guess my biggest goal was to write a song that would embody all of the characteristics of that retreat so that whenever we sang it during corporate worship the content of the retreat would come back and remind all of us of why we need God’s renewal and how we should seek it. Now, I, of course, wrote it for more than just my home church. It’s obviously got universal content in it that any other church could use as well, or that any other believer could relate to.

Luke says… Zach probably has the best answer for this, but basically after coming back from a conference called Renew, he showed me new lyrics that he had written based on the theme of the conference. He wanted to convey what was spoken at that conference in a song. 

Do you have a specific message you want to communicate through your music?

Zach says… My personal goal for the band and its music is to make much of the name of Jesus. But as far as a message goes, we want to proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that He is all we need. His sacrifice is more than sufficient for all who believe. We want to proclaim the gospel. 

Luke says… I want to communicate that, no matter what you’re going through, you can have faith in God to know everything will be alright, to have peace that surpasses all knowledge and understanding, to show the love of Jesus and what he has done for us, etc.

Endless Pursuit

What does worship look like and mean for you guys?

Zach says…Worship isn’t music. Music is a form of worship and we definitely worship our Lord through it. But worship to me, personally, and I’d dare say to the rest of the band, is a lifestyle of submitting to God and His will.

Luke says…Worship is key to what we do. If what we did didn’t glorify God, I’m almost certain none of us would be doing what we’re doing. Everything we do is to glorify God and to bring others to Christ. 

What’s something you would want others to know about you that they may not know already?

Zach says… Hmm, I guess that we’re just a bunch of teenagers that really want to lift the name of Jesus through our music. I think that fact that we’re young goes to show that God can really use anyone to grow His kingdom. If anything, that’s what I’d like people to know that might not have already. 

Luke says… I’m a big reader.

Endless pursuit

What’s next for you? Anymore songs you’re releasing soon?

Zach says… We are actually finishing up our next song and will hopefully be announcing it’s release within the next 2 months.

Luke says… In fact we are about to release another song, but we currently need more funding to finish it. Soon as we finish that song, we have another great song to record.

How can people find you or buy your music?

You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, etc. Really, you can find us on any major music platform you can think of. As far as social media goes, we’re on Twitter: @EPBworship, Instagram: @Endlesspursuitband and FaceBook: Endless Pursuit.